Bigger and messier than the Exxon Valdez spill
I hate to say "we told you so," but we did.
My heart goes out to the sea turtles, shrimp, oysters and other types of marine life native to the Gulf of Mexico, and especially the Mississippi River Delta region. Your life will soon be inundated with oil from below the sea floor. To the people of Louisiana and Mississippi, you are in my thoughts as well; I know many of you rely on the coastal life as your main source of income, and now that income may soon be mixed with more oil than was spilled in the Exxon Valdez spill of 20 years ago.
But we told you so. I know offshore drilling is the other largest contributor to the local economies in the deep south coastal region, but that half just blacked out the other half: fishing. This isn't the right time to be pointing fingers, but my finger's pointed at big oil. And it's pointed at anyone who has supported offshore drilling. No, my finger's pointed at anyone who hasn't spoken out in vehement opposition to offshore drilling.

Thanks to Democracy Now! for the photos.
I remember watching this video and it made me sad/enraged. Twenty years later, an area still reeling from the detrimental effects of Hurricane Katrina is about to face an even larger crisis. The source of income for many residents of this area is about to be wiped out, for a long time. The Exxon Valdez spill may soon be dwarfed compared to this oil leak from deep below the ocean surface. And if it's taken over 20 years to not clean that spill, how long will we wait for the damages from this new spill in progress to fixed?
People are still living in trailers next to what remains of their pre-Katrina houses all over Louisiana and Mississippi...My heart goes out to you. And to the animals, this is minuscule compared to the total damage humans have caused, but my heart will always be extended to you.
My heart goes out to the sea turtles, shrimp, oysters and other types of marine life native to the Gulf of Mexico, and especially the Mississippi River Delta region. Your life will soon be inundated with oil from below the sea floor. To the people of Louisiana and Mississippi, you are in my thoughts as well; I know many of you rely on the coastal life as your main source of income, and now that income may soon be mixed with more oil than was spilled in the Exxon Valdez spill of 20 years ago.
But we told you so. I know offshore drilling is the other largest contributor to the local economies in the deep south coastal region, but that half just blacked out the other half: fishing. This isn't the right time to be pointing fingers, but my finger's pointed at big oil. And it's pointed at anyone who has supported offshore drilling. No, my finger's pointed at anyone who hasn't spoken out in vehement opposition to offshore drilling.

Thanks to Democracy Now! for the photos.
I remember watching this video and it made me sad/enraged. Twenty years later, an area still reeling from the detrimental effects of Hurricane Katrina is about to face an even larger crisis. The source of income for many residents of this area is about to be wiped out, for a long time. The Exxon Valdez spill may soon be dwarfed compared to this oil leak from deep below the ocean surface. And if it's taken over 20 years to not clean that spill, how long will we wait for the damages from this new spill in progress to fixed?
People are still living in trailers next to what remains of their pre-Katrina houses all over Louisiana and Mississippi...My heart goes out to you. And to the animals, this is minuscule compared to the total damage humans have caused, but my heart will always be extended to you.
Labels: exxon valdez spill, gulf of mexico, hurricane katrina, oil spill